Google+ Sandeepa On Life: How to Import Orkut Photo Albums to Google+


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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to Import Orkut Photo Albums to Google+

When we opened Facebook accounts and started using it, most of us didn't bother importing photos or contacts from our Orkut profiles.

Now, most of us are on Google+, but we are still hooked to Facebook. Nobody is thinking seriously about moving to Google+ or copying content to it. However, Google thinks people may want to import their Orkut photo albums to Google+. So, they have introduced "Orkut Photo Album Importer".

If you have any important photo album on Orkut that you wish to import to Google+, here is how you can do it.
  1. Login to your Orkut account. You should see a banner like the one shown below.
    Link to Orkut Photo importer as displayed on orkut profile.

  2. If you can't see the link on your profile, you can direct access it here Orkut Photo Importer
  3. Click on the "Copy my Orkut photos to Google+ now" button, you will see a list of your photo albums. Select the ones you want to share on Google+.
    Photo selection to share on Google+
  4. Click on the "Import Selected" button to start importing photos to Google+
    Status after import.
  5. Now login to Google+ to see your new photos.
    Photo albums imported from Orkut.
  6. Don't forget to read Google's User Content and Conduct Policy before you import.